Bounty’s Legacy
Bounty came to Rabbit Residence Rescue on 24th February 2009 at just 12 weeks of age along with other rabbits all of whom were rescued from a hoarder, where they lived in tiny hutches in a dark shed without proper diet or care.
We cared for Bounty, gave her the correct diet with lots of lovely hay to eat, fresh vegetables and herbs, a high fibre pellet plus lots of fresh water to drink. We gave her a safe environment to live in with cosy warm areas to snuggle in and shelter from the rain and the cold. She had room to play, to run, to binky, to graze and to dig, tunnels to run through and places to hide away, she was protected from predators and veterinary care meant she was kept free of illness and disease. When she was old enough Bounty was spayed and vaccinated and she waited patiently for her forever home to come along.
Over time many other more confident, 'cuter' looking bunnies were chosen, so Bounty was bonded as like all rabbits we knew she needed a bunny friend. She loved her friend, first Booboo then more recently, Yulley. They would snuggle together, share tasty snacks and both loved to sit in the sun.
Years went by and we cared for Bounty giving her the best of everything we could give. In that time hundreds more bunnies went off to their forever homes and Bounty remained with us as she wasn't confident with people she didn't know and few people were willing to take on an older rabbit even if they were healthy.
Time and time again we would appeal hoping that someone would come forwards and give her the spacious forever home she deserved without success, people would come to the rescue and we would show them this beautiful, gentle, sweet bunny and her friend only for them to pick some bunny else.
On the 18th of January 2018 Bounty went in to heart failure and we made the sad decision to help our beloved furry friend over to rainbow bridge.
Somebody then asked me how it was possible for such a beautiful, amazing creature to spend almost her whole life, nearly 3000 days in rescue.
The sad truth of the matter is that Bounty was never picked.
I hope that Bounty's story will be shared far and wide and hope that it can stop just one person walking into a pet store or buying from a breeder and get them go to a rescue but not only to adopt but also to take a chance on an older, or less confident or perhaps less attractive bunny.
Rabbits are beautiful, gentle, amazing creatures, many, many hundreds of thousands of whom suffer silently from neglect, their welfare needs ignored.
Many thousands just like Bounty will spend their whole lives being cared for in rescue.
It is because of Bounty and other rabbits like her that we urge anyone looking to get a rabbit to adopt and not shop.
Rabbits like Bounty who will never find a forever home of their own are a huge part of why I first became involved with Rabbit Residence Rescue.
They are the reason when things get tough financially, physically and emotionally I pick myself up and keep going because we are all they have, for those rabbits who will never know a forever home we aim to give them the best lives they can possibly have here with us at the rescue.
Sometimes we meet amazing people who will take on an older bunny, or perhaps a less confident or less conventionally ‘attractive’ one or a bunny that requires additional care, these are the bunny mum and dads I’ll be forever thankful for.
Please if you’re thinking of getting rabbits adopt don’t shop and take the time to meet the bunnies that often get overlooked because I can promise you they make the most amazing family members if you’ll simply give them a chance.
They are the reason when things get tough financially, physically and emotionally I pick myself up and keep going because we are all they have, for those rabbits who will never know a forever home we aim to give them the best lives they can possibly have here with us at the rescue.
Sometimes we meet amazing people who will take on an older bunny, or perhaps a less confident or less conventionally ‘attractive’ one or a bunny that requires additional care, these are the bunny mum and dads I’ll be forever thankful for.
Please if you’re thinking of getting rabbits adopt don’t shop and take the time to meet the bunnies that often get overlooked because I can promise you they make the most amazing family members if you’ll simply give them a chance.